Why the name Wandering Bee Farm?

We get this question all the time or have people assume that we are actually a bee farm! While bees are something that are on our future plans list, we currently are located in a suburban setting and are not a possibility. Our farm name comes from our adventures in life the last decade. We were married in 2014 and since then we have moved close to 30 times across 5 different states spreading from Alaska to Vermont! We really were quite the wanderers. We still maintain this spirit even though we have put down some roots in Idaho.


Who is Wandering Bee Farm?

We are currently located in South Western Idaho. We have been married for 10 years and have two boys who are only 15 months apart. We also have two cats and two golden retrievers. We love all things outdoors and just being together. 


Why do we farm?

Nichole is the green thumb of the family. She was raised loving spending time in her parents garden. There was nothing like following behind the rototiller with bare feet. Nichole's grandparents were forces when it came to gardening and canning. They had multiple garden spaces and grew so much amazing food. Nichole often  wishes that she could call her grandpa up and ask garden questions. We feel proud to follow in their footsteps. 


What are these big dreams we talk of?

We tried to find somewhere to build our dream homestead for about 5 years before settling in our suburban home for the time being. We are definitely making the best out of our situation but it is nowhere near where we would like to be permanently. We often refer to this time as our learning classroom because we have spent it learning everything we can about homesteading. Our dreams include chickens, goats, pigs, and maybe even a cow or two. And lots and lots of room to expand the garden of course. Nichole has recently been getting certified as an herbalist with plans to grow rows and rows of organic herbs. It is never easy to be patient but every step this business takes is one step closer to us accomplishing our dreams.